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27 Jul 2024
Maize : Deshi Red Max Price: 3600 Min Price: 2500   |   Groundnut : Big (With Shell) Max Price: 8000 Min Price: 6000   |   Apple : Apple Max Price: 16000 Min Price: 11000   |   Banana : Besrai Max Price: 5800 Min Price: 3200   |   Mango : Safeda Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Onion : Bellary Max Price: 4800 Min Price: 3500   |   Potato : (Red Nanital) Max Price: 5200 Min Price: 4000   |   Cauliflower : Ranchi Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 3800   |   Brinjal : Round Max Price: 7500 Min Price: 3500   |   Coriander(Leaves) : I Sort Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 4200   |   Papaya : Papaya Max Price: 3000 Min Price: 2000   |   Tomato : Deshi Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 2500   |   Cluster beans : Cluster Beans Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 3400   |   Bitter gourd : Bitter Gourd Max Price: 7200 Min Price: 5000   |   Bottle gourd : Bottle Gourd Max Price: 2000 Min Price: 1000   |   Ashgourd : Gouard Max Price: 3200 Min Price: 2200   |   Pumpkin : Pumpkin Max Price: 3600 Min Price: 2600   |   Bhindi(Ladies Finger) : Bhindi Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 1800   |   Amaranthus : Amaranthus Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 1600   |   Green Chilli : Green Chilly Max Price: 11000 Min Price: 6000   |   Banana - Green : Banana - Green Max Price: 2400 Min Price: 1200   |   Beans : Beans (Whole) Max Price: 8000 Min Price: 5800   |   Tapioca : Tapioca Max Price: 3500 Min Price: 3200   |   Ginger(Green) : Green Ginger Max Price: 18000 Min Price: 17500   |   Coconut : Coconut Max Price: 2800 Min Price: 1600   |   Sweet Potato : Hosur Red Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 3500   |   Carrot : Pusakesar Max Price: 10800 Min Price: 8000   |   Cabbage : Cabbage Max Price: 3600 Min Price: 3400   |   Snakeguard : Snakeguard Max Price: 3600 Min Price: 3000   |   Beetroot : Beetroot Max Price: 7800 Min Price: 4000   |   Ridgeguard(Tori) : Ridgeguard(Tori) Max Price: 4800 Min Price: 3800   |   Raddish : Raddish Max Price: 4800 Min Price: 3200   |   Thondekai : Thondekai Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Green Avare (W) : Avare (W) Max Price: 8000 Min Price: 6000   |   Drumstick : Drumstick Max Price: 10000 Min Price: 5600   |   Mango (Raw-Ripe) : Mango - Raw-Ripe Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Knool Khol : Knool Khol Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Jack Fruit : Jack Fruit Max Price: 1500 Min Price: 1200   |   Jamun(Narale Hannu) : Jamun Max Price: 12000 Min Price: 10000   |   Guava : Guava Alahabad Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Karbuja(Musk Melon) : Karbhuja Max Price: 2500 Min Price: 2000   |   Elephant Yam (Suran) : Elephant Yam (Suran) Max Price: 6500 Min Price: 6200   |   Yam (Ratalu) : Yam (Ratalu) Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Lemon : Lemon Max Price: 14000 Min Price: 12000   |   Custard Apple (Sharifa) : Custard Apple(Sharifa) Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 3500   |   Onion Green : Onion Green Max Price: 8000 Min Price: 4000   |   Mint(Pudina) : Mint(Pudina) Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 2500   |  


How to Set up a Mango Farm in Maharashtra

How to Set up a Mango Farm in Maharashtra

Maharashtra, the land of vibrant festivals and historical landmarks, also boasts a fertile landscape perfect for cultivating the "King of Fruits" - the mango. With its diverse agro-climatic zones, the state offers immense potential for establishing a thriving mango farm.

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MUMBAI, 8 April 2024: Maharashtra, the land of vibrant festivals and historical landmarks, also boasts a fertile landscape perfect for cultivating the "King of Fruits" - the mango. With its diverse agro-climatic zones, the state offers immense potential for establishing a thriving mango farm.

If you're considering venturing into this rewarding yet challenging field, this guide provides a roadmap to get you started, along with information on supportive government policies.

Planning Your Mango Orchard

  1. Location Selection: The first crucial step is choosing the right land. Opt for well-drained, fertile soil with a pH ranging from 5.5 to 7.5. Avoid waterlogged areas and choose a location with ample sunlight, ideally receiving at least 6-8 hours daily. Consider proximity to water sources for irrigation and accessibility to transportation for easier produce movement.

  2. Variety Selection: Maharashtra is home to a wide range of delectable mango varieties, each with its unique characteristics. Popular choices include Alphonso (Haapus), Kesari, Devgad Ratnagiri Alphonso (D Ratnagiri), Pairi (Langda), and Neelam. Research market demand, climatic suitability for your chosen location, and your desired harvest season before making a selection.

  3. Planting Techniques: The ideal planting time for mangoes in Maharashtra falls between February and April. Utilize the square system for efficient orchard layout, ensuring adequate spacing between trees to allow for proper sunlight penetration and air circulation. Consult agricultural experts for guidance on digging pits, planting depth, and proper root ball placement.

Government Support for Mango Farmers

The Indian government, along with the Maharashtra state government, offers various schemes and initiatives to support mango farmers. Here are some key programs to be aware of:

  • Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH): This central government scheme provides financial assistance for establishing new orchards, including subsidies for planting materials, drip irrigation systems, and protected cultivation structures.
  • Subsidy on Micro Irrigation Systems: The Maharashtra government offers subsidies for installing micro-irrigation systems like drip irrigation, which helps conserve water and improve nutrient delivery to trees.
  • Soil Health Card Scheme: This central government initiative provides farmers with a soil health card, offering valuable insights into soil fertility and recommendations for corrective measures.
  1. Mango Orchard Management:
  • Irrigation: Mango trees require proper irrigation during the initial establishment phase and critical growth stages. Invest in a reliable irrigation system like drip irrigation to optimize water usage and minimize waterlogging.
  • Nutrient Management: Regularly monitor soil health and apply fertilizers based on the specific needs of your mango trees. Organic manure application can be beneficial for long-term soil health.
  • Pest and Disease Control: Mango trees can be susceptible to various pests and diseases. Implement integrated pest management (IPM) practices, combining biological and chemical control methods under the guidance of agricultural experts.
  1. Harvesting and Post-Harvest Management:
  • Harvest Timing: The ideal harvest time depends on the specific mango variety. Monitor fruit maturity through visual cues like color change and firmness. Utilize proper harvesting techniques to avoid damaging the fruit.
  • Post-Harvest Handling: Careful post-harvest handling practices are crucial to minimize losses and ensure longer shelf life. This includes proper sorting, grading, packing, and storage facilities.

Additional Resources and Considerations

  • Connect with Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs): These government-run agricultural extension centers offer valuable advice and training programs on various aspects of mango cultivation.
  • Market Research: Understanding the market dynamics for your chosen mango variety is essential. Research local markets, explore potential partnerships with wholesalers or processing units, and stay updated on market trends.
  • Embrace Technology: Consider adopting new technologies like precision farming techniques and weather monitoring tools to optimize resource management and improve crop yields.


Setting up a mango farm in Maharashtra requires careful planning, dedication, and knowledge. By following these guidelines, leveraging available government support schemes, and continuously honing your skills, you can embark on a successful journey in the world of mango farming. Remember, success hinges on a combination of strong agricultural practices, informed decision-making, and a commitment to quality. With the right approach, your mango orchard can not only be a source of income but also contribute to Maharashtra's rich tradition of fruit production.

Image credit: savanifarms.com

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