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  • top-indian-crops-tailored-for-diverse-climates-english.jpeg

    Top Indian Crops Tailored for Diverse Climates

    13-Sep-2024 - 0 Comments.

    India, a land of vibrant diversity, boasts a vast agricultural landscape. From the snow-capped Himalayas to the tropical southern coasts, the country experiences a multitude of climatic conditions.

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    A Look at India's Weather-Dependent Crops

    24-Jul-2024 - 0 Comments.

    India's agricultural tapestry is intricately woven with the threads of diverse weather patterns. From the snow-capped Himalayas to the tropical southern coasts, the country experiences a dynamic interplay of climatic conditions.

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    How to Set up a Mango Farm in Maharashtra

    08-Apr-2024 - 0 Comments.

    Maharashtra, the land of vibrant festivals and historical landmarks, also boasts a fertile landscape perfect for cultivating the "King of Fruits" - the mango. With its diverse agro-climatic zones, the state offers immense potential for establishing a thriving mango farm.

  • top-vegetable-producing-states-in-india-english.jpeg

    Top Vegetable Producing States in India

    03-Apr-2024 - 0 Comments.

    India, with its diverse climatic conditions and fertile soils, is a major producer of a variety of vegetables. The year 2022-23 has seen some states outperform others in terms of vegetable production. Here’s a look at the top vegetable producing states in India for the year 2022-23, along with their production figures.

  • top-beetroot-producing-states-in-india-english.jpeg

    Top Beetroot Producing States in India

    02-Apr-2024 - 0 Comments.

    India, with its diverse climatic conditions, is a major producer of a variety of vegetables, one of which is beetroot. This vibrant and versatile vegetable is known for its earthy flavour and aroma, and is often referred to as a super food due to its rich nutritional profile.

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    Government statement on cropping patterns

    20-Sep-2020 - 0 Comments.

    National Food Security Mission, NFSM, Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture, MIDH, State Agricultural Universities, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, ICAR, ICAR-Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research, Modipuram, Agro Climatic Zonal Conferences, Agricultural Universities, KVKs, cropping systems, AICRP-Integrated Farming Systems, farmers

  • india-is-the-second-largest-producer-of-horticultural-crops-and-fruits-in-the-world-english.jpeg

    India is the second largest producer of horticultural crops and fruits in the World

    18-Dec-2017 - 0 Comments.

    Indian agriculture and farmers welfare minister, Radha Mohan Singh said research and development projects in horticulture crops have yielded encouraging results, as a result, the production of horticulture crops have been more than food grains irrespective of adverse climatic conditions.

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