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  • syngenta-india-signs-mous-with-icar-hau-to-benefit-farmers-of-haryana-english.jpeg

    Syngenta India signs MoUs with ICAR, HAU to benefit farmers of Haryana

    07-Nov-2024 - 0 Comments.

    Continuing its focus on constructive collaborations for benefits of farmers, leading agri tech company Syngenta India recently, announced two critical MoUs it has signed with government institutions to help farmers enhancing crop productivity and promoting diversified sustainable agriculture practices, Syngenta India on Tuesday signed multiple Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs), aiming to benefit the farmers of Haryana.

  • isma-presents-roadmap-for-new-sugar-mills-to-minister-pralhad-joshi-english.jpeg

    ISMA presents roadmap for new sugar mills to Minister Pralhad Joshi

    25-Jul-2024 - 0 Comments.

    The Indian Sugar & Bio-Energy Manufacturers Association (ISMA), the apex body in the sugar and bio-energy industry in the country, presented a detailed roadmap to the key stakeholders of the Ministry of Food, Public Distribution and Consumer Affairs including Minister Pralhad Joshi himself for the policy framework required to transition Indian sugar mills into Bio-refineries of the nation producing along with the existing portfolio of Bio-Ethanol, Bio-Electricity and Bio-Gas b other emerging energy streams of strategic importance like Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Green Hydrogen, E-100 and 2-G Ethanol delivering cross cutting benefits to the nation and its farmers on multiple levels including meeting the international blending targets in the aviation sector which will be applicable on India since 2027 as per the CORSIA mandates.

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    Edible oil prices climb amid global supply disruption

    23-Jun-2024 - 0 Comments.

    The edible oil market has witnessed a price increase in recent months, driven by multiple global factors. These factors have caused fluctuations in global edible oil markets, leading to price hikes of INR 50 to INR 70 per 10 kg in most edible oils.

  • opportunities-in-multi-grain-farming-and-outlook-for-2030-in-india-english.jpeg

    Opportunities in Multi-Grain Farming and Outlook for 2030 in India

    23-Feb-2024 - 0 Comments.

     As India's population continues to surge, ensuring food security and promoting sustainable agricultural practices becomes increasingly crucial. In this context, multi-grain farming, the cultivation of multiple cereal and legume crops on the same land in a single season or in succession, emerges as a promising approach.

  • omnivore-expands-team-with-multiple-hires-english.jpeg

    Omnivore expands team with multiple hires

    01-Nov-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Omnivore, India's leading agritech venture capital firm, announced four strategic hires to lead key functions and strengthen the firm's commitment to supporting innovations in agriculture and food systems. 

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    Freshokartz launches social commerce platform for farmers

    27-Nov-2021 - 0 Comments.

    Freshokartz Agri, a Jaipur based agriTech startup has announced the launch social commerce platform for farmers "Freshokartz Saarthi" through which they are giving entrepreneurship opportunities to lakh’s of aspiring Micro-Agripreneur not only in Rajasthan but in multiple states.

  • corteva-agriscience-establishes-an-ecosystem-to-help-women-farmers-become-self-reliant-english.jpeg

    Corteva Agriscience establishes an ecosystem to help women farmers become self-reliant

    24-Apr-2021 - 0 Comments.

    Corteva Agriscience (NYSE: CTVA), the global agriculture company is working towards establishing an ecosystem of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO) in multiple states across India including Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Bihar.

  • gene-editing-as-the-next-gen-plant-breeding-tool-for-breeders-english.jpeg

    Gene editing as the next-gen plant breeding tool for breeders

    18-Sep-2020 - 0 Comments.

    The basis of plant breeding is the availability of trait variation and diversity in different crops, that can be brought together into a variety or hybrid with multiple superior qualities or characteristics.

  • multiple-uses-of-agroforestry-discussed-during-a-webinar-on-linking-farmers-with-industry-english.jpeg

    Multiple uses of agroforestry discussed during a webinar on linking farmers with industry

    17-Jun-2020 - 0 Comments.

    A webinar was organized on 13 June 2020 to discuss ways and means to connect agroforestry farmers to industry and sensitise implementing States to assist farmers in making the correct choice of species.

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