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  • union-agriculture-minister-inaugurates-national-conference-on-agriculture-kharif-campaign-2022-english.jpeg

    Union agriculture minister inaugurates national conference on agriculture- kharif campaign - 2022

    20-Apr-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Union Agriculture Minister, Narendra Singh Tomar inaugurated National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2022-23 recently at NASC Complex, New Delhi. The Minister expressed satisfaction that that as per 2nd Advance Estimates (2021-22), total food grains production in the country is estimated at 3160 lakh tonnes which will be an all time record. 

  • import-of-de-oiled-gm-soya-cake-explained-english.jpeg

    Import of de-oiled GM soya cake explained

    29-Aug-2021 - 0 Comments.

    Centre allows import of 12 lakh metric ton GM soya cake after the Director General of Foreign Trade issued the necessary notification. However, poultry industry, Farmers organization and environmental activist expressed different reaction on import decision.

  • nafed-to-set-up-50-e-kisan-mandi-for-farmer-producer-organisations-english.jpeg

    NAFED to set up 50 e-Kisan Mandi for farmer producer organisations

    19-Dec-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Indian Agriculture & Farmers Welfare minister Narendra Singh Tomar met members of Farmer Producer Organisations of Federation of Indian FPOs and Aggregators (FIFA) representing 15 states and around 500 FPOs at Krishi Bhawan recently. They expressed their support for the recent Agricultural Reforms by the Government of India.

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    Launch of options in goods a timely step, says NCDEX CEO

    27-Jul-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Terming the launch of Options in Goods a ‘timely step’, National Commodity Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) MD & CEO Vijay Kumar expressed confidence that bringing in the three Options contracts shall go hand in hand with the goals envisaged by the recently announced unprecedented Agri reforms.

  • us-raises-red-flag-on-indias-mandatory-bis-certification-of-animal-feed-beyond-july-27-english.jpeg

    US raises red flag on India’s mandatory BIS certification of animal feed beyond July 27

    18-Jul-2020 - 0 Comments.

    The United States has expressed concern over India’s new directive making it mandatory for all commercial feeds, including imports, intended for food producing animals to comply with the relevant Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specification and certification norms and pressed for a postponement in its implementation in the light of COVID-19 disruptions.

  • india-netherlands-discuss-ways-to-strengthen-partnership-in-agriculture-sectors-english.jpeg

    India, Netherlands discuss ways to strengthen partnership in agriculture sectors

    24-May-2018 - 0 Comments.

    Indian Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Radha Mohan Singh recently met Ms. Carola Schouten, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Netherlands in Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi and expressed his desire to further strengthen the existing partnership between the two countries in agriculture and allied sectors

  • us-eyes-agri-partnership-with-haryana-english.jpeg

    US eyes agri partnership with Haryana

    02-Mar-2016 - 0 Comments.

    With a view to increase agriculture growth in the most fertile northern state of India, US has expressed interest in collaborating with Haryana.

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