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  • african-development-bank-empowers-agri-youth-programs-for-greater-impact-english.jpeg

    African Development Bank empowers agri youth programs for greater impact

    15-Apr-2024 - 0 Comments.

    The African Development Bank (www.AfDB.org) successfully concluded a three-day workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, aimed at enhancing its Empowering Novel Agri-Business-Led Employment (ENABLE) Youth Program in preparation for its next phase.

  • illumina-launches-new-wheat-barley-array-english.jpeg

    Illumina Launches New Wheat Barley Array

    10-May-2021 - 0 Comments.

    Wheat is a vital food crop, ranking third in global crop pro­duction, with more than 760 million tons being produced annually. Barley is another important crop with uses in animal feed and beverage produc­tion and is gaining popularity in human diets.Wheat (and barley) researchers and breeders need a genomic analysis tool that enable comparison across diverse varieties and globally diverse germplasm collections.

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    Bayer partners with BigHaat for last mile delivery of agri-inputs

    30-Nov-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Bayer CropScience Limited has signed a partnership with BigHaat, a leading agri-input e-commerce platform to enable last-mile delivery of Bayer’s seeds and crop protection products directly to farmer’s doorsteps.

  • corteva-agriscience-introduces-technology-sustainability-initiatives-for-corn-farmer-across-five-states-english.jpeg

    Corteva Agriscience introduces technology, sustainability initiatives for corn farmer across five states

    13-Oct-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Corteva Agriscience (NYSE: CTVA), the global agriculture company today said that it has undertaken several initiatives to enable corn crop mechanization and empower farmers which, in the first year of implementation, helped to improve yield with less water usage, reduced cost of cultivation and, critically, increased farmer incomes.

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    UPL selects Qlik to drive business strategy, enable self-service analytics

    29-Sep-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Qlik has announced that UPL Ltd (formerly United Phosphorus Limited) (NSE: UPL & BSE: 512070) is leveraging its data analytics platform to empower and inform business users across its organization. The Indian multinational has been working closely with Qlik to streamline its data operations and enable data-driven decisions to drive growth.

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    Ninjacart introduces foodprint to enable end to end food traceability

    07-Jun-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Ninjacart, India’s B2B fresh food supply chain company has launched FoodPrint, a complete food traceability infrastructure that captures the end-to-end footprint traceability of fruits and vegetables which moves from farm to home.

  • godrej-jersey-commences-direct-dairy-deliveries-to-housing-societies-english.jpeg

    Godrej Jersey commences direct dairy deliveries to housing societies

    13-Apr-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Creamline Dairy Products Limited (CDPL), subsidiary of Godrej Agrovet Limited has undertaken an initiative that will enable housing societies to directly order essential food items under their Jersey portfolio

  • mariculture-policy-traditional-fishermen-to-be-given-priority-english.jpeg

    Mariculture Policy: Traditional Fishermen to be Given Priority

    19-Dec-2018 - 0 Comments.

    A stakeholder meeting held at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) on Saturday here has decided to take steps to address the concern of fishermen towards the draft national mariculture policy. As part of this, the draft will be incorporated so as to enable traditional fishermen and their cooperative societies obtaining priority while Mariculture Zones are demarcated in the sea for various mariculture activities

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