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  • mahindra-sells-22019-tractor-in-india-during-december-2024-english.jpeg

    Mahindra sells 22019 tractor in India during December 2024

    06-Jan-2025 - 0 Comments.

    Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.ā€™s Farm Equipment Sector (FES), part of the Mahindra Group, today announced its tractor sales numbers for December 2024.Ā 

  • on-kisan-divas-faifa-felicitates-farmers-for-phenomenal-contribution-to-agriculture-english.jpeg

    On Kisan Divas, FAIFA felicitates farmers for phenomenal contribution to agriculture

    20-Dec-2024 - 0 Comments.

    The Federation of All India Farmer Associations (FAIFA), a non-profit organization representing the cause of millions of farmers and farm workers of commercial crops across the States of Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka etc. celebrated Kisan Divas 2024 which falls on 23rd December by felicitating five farmers for their outstanding performance and pioneering contribution to the field of agriculture at a stellar ceremony.

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    Bayer CropScience announces Q3 results for FY 2023-24

    03-Feb-2024 - 0 Comments.

    Bayer CropScience Limited (BSE: 506285) announced today its unaudited results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2023.

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    Rallis India Limited reports 3% volume growth

    24-Jan-2024 - 0 Comments.

    Rallis India Limited, a TATA Enterprise and leading player in the Agri inputs industry, today reported its financial results for the quarter ended December 31, 2023.

  • millet-matchmaking-cmfri-connects-producers-and-consumers-at-december-meet-dec-28-30-english.jpeg

    Millet Matchmaking: CMFRI connects producers & consumers at December Meet (Dec 28-30)

    24-Dec-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Aimed at forging direct connections between millet entrepreneurs, consumers and distributors,Ā Ā a buyer-seller meet will be organised during the upcoming Millet-Fish festival to be held at ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) on December 28-30.

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    KVKā€™s millet-fish fest to host recipe contestĀ 

    23-Dec-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Ernakulam Krishi Vigyan Kendra of the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) will organise a recipe contest at the upcoming ā€˜Millet-Fishā€™ fest to be held on December 28-30 at CMFRI.

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    Matix Fertilisers and Chemicals bags prestigious FAI Award

    08-Dec-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Matix Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd, one of India's rapidly growing fertilizer companies, received the prestigious FAI Award at the Fertiliser Association of India's Seminar in New Delhi on December 6, 2023.

  • milima-daily-milk-sale-crosses-16-27-lakh-litres-during-january-may-2023-english.jpeg

    Milma daily milk sale crosses 16.27 lakh litres during January-May 2023

    25-Jun-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Based on the strength of quality and innovative marketing strategies, Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF), known by the brand Milma, registered a substantial increase in sale of milk in the first five months of 2023 with the daily average crossing 16.27 lakh litres, against 15.95 lakh litres in August-December 2022. Ā  Ā Ā 

  • bayer-cropscience-limited-reports-q3-results-for-fy-2022-23-english.jpeg

    Bayer CropScience Limited reports Q3 results for FY 2022-23

    08-Feb-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Bayer CropScience Limited (BSE: 506285) announced today its unaudited results for the quarter and ine months ended December 31, 2022.In the third quarter (Q3) of Financial Year (FY) 2022-23, Bayer CropScience Limited (BCSL) earned Revenue from Operations of ā‚¹ 10,379 million, as compared to ā‚¹ 9,901 million in the corresponding period of FY 2021-22.

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    Omnivore under OmniX Bio invest in animal nutrition startup eFeedĀ 

    11-Jan-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Omnivore has announced today that it has invested in eFeed, an animal nutrition and health company manufacturing innovative products for livestock. This is Omnivore's third life sciences investment under its OmniX Bio initiative, which was originally launched in DecemberĀ  2021.

  • fpt-industrial-natural-gas-turbine-powers-worlds-first-lng-tractor-designed-by-new-holland-agriculture-english.jpeg

    FPT Industrial natural gas turbine powers worldā€™s first LNG tractor designed by New Holland Agriculture

    02-Jan-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Ā At the CNH Industrial Tech Day event, held in Phoenix (Arizona, USA) in December 2022, New Holland Agriculture unveiled the new T7 Methane Power LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) pre-production prototype tractor, the worldā€™s first LNG tractor powered by FPT Industrialā€™s N67 NG engine.

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    Agriculture ministry release SOPs for use of drones

    17-Mar-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Looking into the unique advantages of Drone technologies in agriculture, the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has released the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for use of drones in pesticide and nutrient application in public domain in December 2021, which provide concise instructions for effective and safe operations of drones.

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    Integration of E-MANDIS into E-NAM Platform

    08-Feb-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Since 31st March 2018, 415 new mandis have been integrated on National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) platform. As on 31st December 2021, 1000 mandis of 18 States and 03 Union Territories have been integrated with e-NAM platform.

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    Agritech precision farming startup Samhitha raises $1.5MN in seed funding

    02-Dec-2021 - 0 Comments.

    Samhitha Crop Care Clinics, an agritech start-up offering precision farming advisory, announced on December 1, 2021, that it has raised $1.5 million in a seed round led by TechStar Group, and participated by Quadrant Resource and angel investors.

  • amendments-to-co-op-act-leadership-changes-in-dairy-sector-inevitable-says-bhasurangan-english.jpeg

    Amendments to co-op Act; leadership changes in dairy sector inevitable, says Bhasurangan

    17-Nov-2021 - 0 Comments.

    The Thiruvananthapuram Regional Cooperative Milk Producersā€™ Union (TRCMPU) has scheduled a general body meeting on December 9 to effect changes to bylaws as mandated by the recent amendment to the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, and set in motion the process of electing the new board of directors.

  • wto-agreement-on-agriculture-tilted-against-developing-countries-piyush-goyal-english.jpeg

    WTO agreement on agriculture tilted against developing countries: Piyush Goyal

    18-Sep-2021 - 0 Comments.

    The G-33 Virtual Informal Ministerial Meeting organized by Indonesia was held the day before yesterday, to discuss the Agricultural Priority Issues of G33 and the way forward for the Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC-12) scheduled to be held from 30th November to 3rd December 2021.

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    Talks between farmers unions, government to continue on December 9

    06-Dec-2020 - 0 Comments.

    The fifth round of talks with representatives of 40 Farmer Unions was held at Vigyan Bhawan with Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Railways & Commerce Piyush Goyal and Minister of State for Commerce Som Prakash. The next round of talks will take place on 9 December 2020.

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    Government committed to the welfare of farmers, always ready for dialogue, says Agri minister

    02-Dec-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Narendra Singh Tomar, Agriculture & Farmers Welfare minister, Piyush Goyal, Minister of Railways & Commerce and Som Prakash, Minister of State, Ministry of Commerce and Industries interacted with the representatives of Farmers Organizations of Punjab on 1 December, 2020 in Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.

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    NSE to launch its first agricultural commodity futures contract on Dec 1

    11-Nov-2020 - 0 Comments.

    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE), the leading stock exchange in India, will launch its first agricultural commodity futures contract for Crude Degummed Soybean Oil (CDSO) on 1 December 2020.

  • indias-rabi-crops-sowing-area-increases-by-3-59-million-hectare-english.jpeg

    India's Rabi crops sowing area increases by 3.59 million hectare

    01-Jan-2020 - 0 Comments.

    As per preliminary reports received from the States, the total area sown under Rabi crops as, on 27 December 2019 stands at 57.18 million hectares, as compared to 53.63 million hectares for the corresponding period last year.

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    Indian Rabi crops sowing posted at 44.22 MN hectares

    11-Dec-2017 - 0 Comments.

    The total area sown under Rabi crops as on 8 December, 2017 stands at 44.22 million (MN) hectares as compared to 44.84 million hectare this time in 2016.

  • cabinet-approves-interest-waiver-of-two-months-for-farmers-on-crop-loans-from-cooperative-banks-english.jpeg

    Cabinet approves interest waiver of two months for farmers on crop loans from Cooperative Banks

    27-Jan-2017 - 0 Comments.

    The Union Cabinet chaired by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has given its ex-post facto approval for interest waiver for the two months of November and December, 2016 for farmers accessing short term crop loans from Cooperative Banks.

  • indias-cotton-crop-estimated-34-mn-bales-during-2016-17-english.jpeg

    India's cotton crop estimated 34 MN bales during 2016-17

    23-Jan-2017 - 0 Comments.

    The Cotton Association of India (CAI) has released its December estimate of the cotton crop for the 2016-17 season beginning as on October 1, 2016.

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    India's soybean exports records 735% growth during Dec 2016

    09-Jan-2017 - 0 Comments.

    India has recorded a whopping increase in soybean meal and its other value added products (HS Code 2304) to 241,256 tonnes or 735.6 per cent during December 2016, as compare to 28,870 tonnes exported during the same month last year.

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    India's rabi crops sowing touches 55.4 MN hectares

    27-Dec-2016 - 0 Comments.

    India's rabi crops sowing as on December 23, 2016 has increased to 55.49 million hectares, as compared to 52.34 million hectares sowed as on the same date last year.

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    Government ask Amul to open bank accounts of every milk producers by Jan 2017

    27-Dec-2016 - 0 Comments.

    In order to bring all dairy farmers in the banking channel, central government has asked the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF) owner of country's largest dairy co-operative, AMUL to open bank accounts of all Milk producers/farmers by December 30, 2016.

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    Indiaā€™ rabi crops sowing up by 2.3 MN hectares

    16-Dec-2016 - 0 Comments.

    India has recorded an increase in rabi crops sowing as on December 16, 2016 at 51.92 million hectares, up by 2.3 million hectares.

  • indias-rabi-crops-sowing-touches-41-5-mn-hectares-english.jpeg

    India's Rabi crops sowing touches 41.5 MN hectares

    02-Dec-2016 - 0 Comments.

    According to the preliminary reports received from the States, the total area sown under Rabi crops as on December 2, 2016 stands at 41.55 million hectares, as compared to 38.28 million hectare this time in 2015

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