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  • 20-million-trees-to-absorb-over-400-million-kgs-of-carbon-annually-nbsp-in-india-nbsp-english.jpeg

    20 Million Trees to Absorb Over 400 Million Kgs of Carbon Annually in India 

    16-Sep-2024 - 0 Comments.

    Generating more than 1.6 million workdays of employment, social enterprise Grow-Trees.com has reached a significant milestone in 2024 by successfully planting over 20 million trees across 23 Indian States.

  • untapping-opportunities-in-indias-booming-dairy-sector-english.jpeg

    Untapping Opportunities in India's Booming Dairy Sector

    15-Apr-2024 - 0 Comments.

    As of 2024, India's dairy sector churns out a staggering 190 million tonnes (MT) of milk annually, solidifying its position as the world's largest milk producer.

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    Global chitosan market poised for 12% annual growth: expert

    18-Feb-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Chitosan’s world market is poised to grow annually by 12 percent from the current size of US $10.88 billion to US $47.06 billion by 2030, an expert at the India International Seafood Show (IISS) said recently.

  • illumina-launches-new-wheat-barley-array-english.jpeg

    Illumina Launches New Wheat Barley Array

    10-May-2021 - 0 Comments.

    Wheat is a vital food crop, ranking third in global crop pro­duction, with more than 760 million tons being produced annually. Barley is another important crop with uses in animal feed and beverage produc­tion and is gaining popularity in human diets.Wheat (and barley) researchers and breeders need a genomic analysis tool that enable comparison across diverse varieties and globally diverse germplasm collections.

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