With launching livestock insurance scheme, Maharashtra has implemented National Livestock Scheme from August 1-15, 2016.
The livestock to be covered for insurance scheme include Milch Cows and Buffaloes, domesticated horses, bullocks, goats, lambs etc.
Maximum five livestock species per beneficiary family have been included for insurance benefit.
To avail the scheme, people can call the toll free number at 1800 2330418 of Animal Husbandry Department and 18002091415 of the insurance company.
To get more details, one can also visit sitewww.ahd.maharashtra.gov.inin for further details.
The state government has said that under this scheme, maximum five livestock species per beneficiary family have been included for insurance benefit.
Animals within a specified age group are accepted under the Insurance Scheme and the sum insured under the policy will be the market value of the animal.
Image Credit: landmark.com.au