|| Shree Mumba Devi Prasanna ||

27 Jul 2024
Maize : Deshi Red Max Price: 3600 Min Price: 2500   |   Groundnut : Big (With Shell) Max Price: 8000 Min Price: 6000   |   Apple : Apple Max Price: 16000 Min Price: 11000   |   Banana : Besrai Max Price: 5800 Min Price: 3200   |   Mango : Safeda Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Onion : Bellary Max Price: 4800 Min Price: 3500   |   Potato : (Red Nanital) Max Price: 5200 Min Price: 4000   |   Cauliflower : Ranchi Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 3800   |   Brinjal : Round Max Price: 7500 Min Price: 3500   |   Coriander(Leaves) : I Sort Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 4200   |   Papaya : Papaya Max Price: 3000 Min Price: 2000   |   Tomato : Deshi Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 2500   |   Cluster beans : Cluster Beans Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 3400   |   Bitter gourd : Bitter Gourd Max Price: 7200 Min Price: 5000   |   Bottle gourd : Bottle Gourd Max Price: 2000 Min Price: 1000   |   Ashgourd : Gouard Max Price: 3200 Min Price: 2200   |   Pumpkin : Pumpkin Max Price: 3600 Min Price: 2600   |   Bhindi(Ladies Finger) : Bhindi Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 1800   |   Amaranthus : Amaranthus Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 1600   |   Green Chilli : Green Chilly Max Price: 11000 Min Price: 6000   |   Banana - Green : Banana - Green Max Price: 2400 Min Price: 1200   |   Beans : Beans (Whole) Max Price: 8000 Min Price: 5800   |   Tapioca : Tapioca Max Price: 3500 Min Price: 3200   |   Ginger(Green) : Green Ginger Max Price: 18000 Min Price: 17500   |   Coconut : Coconut Max Price: 2800 Min Price: 1600   |   Sweet Potato : Hosur Red Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 3500   |   Carrot : Pusakesar Max Price: 10800 Min Price: 8000   |   Cabbage : Cabbage Max Price: 3600 Min Price: 3400   |   Snakeguard : Snakeguard Max Price: 3600 Min Price: 3000   |   Beetroot : Beetroot Max Price: 7800 Min Price: 4000   |   Ridgeguard(Tori) : Ridgeguard(Tori) Max Price: 4800 Min Price: 3800   |   Raddish : Raddish Max Price: 4800 Min Price: 3200   |   Thondekai : Thondekai Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Green Avare (W) : Avare (W) Max Price: 8000 Min Price: 6000   |   Drumstick : Drumstick Max Price: 10000 Min Price: 5600   |   Mango (Raw-Ripe) : Mango - Raw-Ripe Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Knool Khol : Knool Khol Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Jack Fruit : Jack Fruit Max Price: 1500 Min Price: 1200   |   Jamun(Narale Hannu) : Jamun Max Price: 12000 Min Price: 10000   |   Guava : Guava Alahabad Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Karbuja(Musk Melon) : Karbhuja Max Price: 2500 Min Price: 2000   |   Elephant Yam (Suran) : Elephant Yam (Suran) Max Price: 6500 Min Price: 6200   |   Yam (Ratalu) : Yam (Ratalu) Max Price: 6000 Min Price: 5000   |   Lemon : Lemon Max Price: 14000 Min Price: 12000   |   Custard Apple (Sharifa) : Custard Apple(Sharifa) Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 3500   |   Onion Green : Onion Green Max Price: 8000 Min Price: 4000   |   Mint(Pudina) : Mint(Pudina) Max Price: 4000 Min Price: 2500   |  


CLFMA calls for responsible use of antibiotics in animal protein sector

CLFMA calls for responsible use of antibiotics in animal protein sector

As the World Antibiotic Awareness Week (13 – 19 Nov 2017) is celebrated, the Compound Feed Manufacturers Association of India (CLFMA) calls for promoting awareness among all stakeholders in the animal protein sector about judicious and responsible use of antibiotics.

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MUMBAI, 27 October 2017 : As the World Antibiotic Awareness Week (13 – 19 Nov 2017) is celebrated, the Compound Feed Manufacturers Association of India (CLFMA) calls for promoting awareness among all stakeholders in the animal protein sector about judicious and responsible use of antibiotics.

India’s animal protein sector is one of the major contributors to the nation’s overall economic growth and most importantly in alleviating poverty and malnutrition. Serving as the foundation of rural India’s prosperity, it provides employment to a few hundred million farmers mainly smallholders and protects their livelihoods, CLFMA said in a statement

India’s livestock industry is on a strong upward trajectory posting strong growth in the last few decades and is recognized as one of the most promising globally. Looking ahead, next five to ten years are extremely critical for the sector to maintain its growth and strengthen its competitiveness.

Antibiotics are used in animal agribusiness for many decades and are essential for maintaining the health, hygiene and welfare of the animals both in the industrialized and backyard scenarios. Recently, we are witnessing increasing concerns on the use of antibiotics in livestock farming globally.

As WHO describes, antibiotics are precious tools for the veterinarians for prevention, control and treatment of diseases in animals and also for promoting growth. When used responsibly and judiciously, Antibiotics contribute enormously to produce sufficient quantities of safe, quality, nutritious and affordable food.

While genuine concerns about misuse, overuse and subsequently, resistance issues are understandable, several myths, opinions, and unfounded claims undermine the critical role of antibiotics in the broader context of global food and nutrition security.

In today’s world that is seamlessly connected through social media and other communication channels, it is indeed much easier to evoke negative publicity on anything. Further, regulatory and policy decisions nowadays, are increasingly getting influenced by public perception. Hence, besides busting myths, sharing correct information about the benefits of using antibiotics promoting awareness are the needs of the hour in India and globally.

As the apex association representing India’s animal agribusiness sector, CLFMA acknowledges this is not just an issue of usage of antibiotics per se but one that has much larger implications in terms of animal productivity; costs of food production; incomes; profits; and ultimately livelihoods of the farming community.

CLFMA is actively encouraging and advising its members to focus on cascading correct knowledge and information about proper use of antibiotics. In the long-term perspective, CLFMA reiterates that it is critical to promote awareness among farmers, veterinarians and other industry stakeholders besides effectively regulating the availability and quality of antibiotic products available in the marketplace using existing rules and regulations. 

Image Credit: downtoearth.org.in

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