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  • revolutionizing-indian-agriculture-the-rise-of-agri-drones-english.jpeg

    Revolutionizing Indian Agriculture: The Rise of Agri-Drones

    19-Jul-2024 - 0 Comments.

    Agri-drones in India, Drone technology in agriculture India, Benefits of agri-drones India, Precision agriculture India, Future of Indian agriculture, Agri-drone applications India, agridrone spraying, agridrone crop monitoring, Precision spraying drones India, Agri-drone benefits for small farmers India, Agri-drone training programs India, Agri-drone regulations India, Sustainable agri-drone practices India, How agri-drones are increasing crop yields India, Cost of agri-drones for Indian farmers, Buy agri-drones online India, How to become an agri-drone pilot India, Impact of agri-drones on Indian environment, Government initiatives for agri-drones India

  • cmfri-proposes-lsquo-shark-hotspots-to-protect-endangered-species-english.jpeg

    CMFRI proposes ‘shark hotspots’ to protect endangered species

    20-Feb-2024 - 0 Comments.

    The ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has proposed to demarcate "shark hotspots" in Indian waters to implement spatio-temporal fishing regulations, given the declining trend of shark catches.

  • mpeda-to-hold-a-conference-on-seafood-regulatory-harmonisation-among-g-20-countries-english.jpeg

    MPEDA to hold a conference on seafood regulatory harmonisation among G-20 countries

    12-Feb-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Seeking to make deeper inroads in the seafood market of Europe, the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) will hold a conference on the harmonisation of regulations for seafood among G-20 countries in July this year. 

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