India setting up of two Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Chhattisgarh under 12th plan
29-Jan-2017 - 0 Comments.
Indian agriculture and farmers welfare minister, Radha Mohan Singh announced the setting up of KVKs in Mungeli and Bemtara of Chhattisgarh under 12th Plan at the Krishi Samridhi-Rashtriya Krishi Mela in Raipur recently
India setting up of two Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Chhattisgarh under 12th plan
29-Jan-2017 - 0 Comments.
Indian agriculture and farmers welfare minister, Radha Mohan Singh announced the setting up of KVKs in Mungeli and Bemtara of Chhattisgarh under 12th Plan at the Krishi Samridhi-Rashtriya Krishi Mela in Raipur recently.