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  • global-aquaculture-will-provide-59-of-fish-for-human-consumption-by-2030-english.jpeg

    Global aquaculture will provide 59% of fish for human consumption by 2030

    25-Nov-2023 - 0 Comments.

    In view of a range of critical threats posed by climate change and increasing demand for food and nutritional security, Simon Feunge-Smith, Senior Fishery Officer of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO) has called for enhancing blue finance for innovations and developments in the aquaculture sector. 

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    BOBP Calls for Regional Cooperation in Bay of Bengal

    22-Oct-2023 - 0 Comments.

    The Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO) has sought greater research cooperation among the member countries as climate change is taking a toll on marine fisheries of the Bay of Bengal region. 

  • fpos-under-treds-samunnati-powers-invoice-discounting-transaction-of-inr-3-5-cr-english.jpeg

    FPOS under TReDS: Samunnati powers invoice discounting transaction of INR 3.5 Cr

    14-Apr-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Samunnati, India's Open Agri Network, is excited to announce that it has onboarded its first Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) on TReDS and completed a transaction of discounting invoices worth INR 3.5 crores through Invoicemart on the platform.

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    Promote crop diversification to save water, says Indian NGO at UN Conference

    15-Nov-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Established in 2005 with an objective to Incubate Civil Society, CNRI, India's leading non-governmental organisation has made a strong case for promoting crop diversification to save water and address issues concerning climate change at the UN Conference on Water in New York.  

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    FSII donates INR 20 lakh to Benefit Sharing Fund of Food and Agriculture Organisation

    25-Sep-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Federation of Seed Industry of India (FSII) donated INR 20 lakh (USD 25000) to the Benefit Sharing Fund of Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) showing support for the work of the Benefit Sharing Fund.

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    Kenya look towards India for building its warehousing, agri derivatives sector

    26-May-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Kenya is looking at India to develop an agricultural ecosystem that is led by the government’s favourite Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) model along with the agri derivatives trading platform and e-warehouse receipt system.

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    Corteva felicitates women farmers for their outstanding contribution in agriculture

    17-Nov-2021 - 0 Comments.

    Corteva Agriscience, the global agriculture company, today, organized a virtual ceremony to celebrate the contribution of women farmers of the Farmers-Producer Organisation (FPOs) and the company’s Pravakta program. Three women farmers were felicitated for their contribution towards sustainable agricultural practices and for creating a positive impact in the lives of fellow farmers through active knowledge sharing.

  • mpeda-enters-50th-year-of-its-existence-launches-year-long-golden-jubilee-celebrations-english.jpeg

    MPEDA enters 50th year of its existence; launches year-long Golden Jubilee celebrations

    25-Aug-2021 - 0 Comments.

    The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) ushered into its 50th year of eventful and glorious existence by launching year-long Golden Jubilee celebrations, the first of its kind in the history of the organisation making way for the participation of hundreds, including pensioners, exporters and all its regional divisions and societies, through virtual platform.

  • ipnlf-urges-indian-ocean-tuna-commission-to-take-urgent-action-on-yellowfin-stock-rebuilding-english.jpeg

    IPNLF urges Indian Ocean Tuna Commission to take urgent action on yellowfin stock rebuilding

    17-Dec-2020 - 0 Comments.

    The International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) is calling on members of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) to take urgent action, while working in the best interests of the region’s tuna resources and its coastal fisheries, when this regional fisheries management organisation convenes its Special Session in early March 2021 to discuss the rebuilding of the overfished Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna stock.

  • ficcis-report-on-women-participation-in-indian-agriculture-released-by-parshottam-rupala-english.jpeg

    FICCI's report on women participation in Indian agriculture released by Parshottam Rupala

    13-May-2020 - 0 Comments.

    FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) Report on Women Participation in Indian Agriculture was released by Indian minister of state, agriculture and farmers welfare, Parshottam Rupala at a webinar held in the capital recently

  • seai-signs-mou-with-malaysia-palm-oil-board-for-producing-palm-oil-in-sustainable-way-english.jpeg

    SEAI signs MoU with Malaysia Palm Oil Board for producing palm oil in sustainable way

    27-Sep-2019 - 0 Comments.

    On the sidelines of Globoil conference held in Mumbai recently, The Solvent Extractors’ Association (SEA) of India signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and Global Sustainability support organisation-Solidaridad Network Asia Limited

  • international-workshop-calls-for-joint-fisheries-management-plans-for-afro-asian-nations-english.jpeg

    International Workshop Calls for Joint Fisheries Management Plans for Afro-Asian Nations

    30-Jan-2019 - 0 Comments.

    An international workshop on fisheries and aquaculture has called for regional cooperation among the member countries of African Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO) in an effort to develop joint fisheries management plans aiming to achieve sustainable development of the fisheries in Afro-Asian countries

  • cmfri-collaborate-with-isro-to-spot-potential-fishing-zone-english.jpeg

    CMFRI collaborate with ISRO to spot potential fishing zone

    22-Nov-2017 - 0 Comments.

    In a major effort greatly beneficial to the fisher folks in the country, the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has joined hands with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to identify Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ), an area in sea

  • odisha-inks-mou-with-worldfish-english.jpeg

    Odisha inks MoU with WorldFish

    12-Jul-2016 - 0 Comments.

    In order to boost fisheries sector in the state, Odisha has signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with WorldFish, a global non-profit research organisation, for sustainable aquaculture operations through improved technology and farming systems.

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