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  • rx-japans-agri-week-rebrands-to-jagri-english.jpeg

    RX Japan's AGRI WEEK rebrands to JAGRI

    09-Jan-2024 - 0 Comments.

    After the resounding success of the previous edition of AGRI WEEK, RX Japan announced a strategic rebranding of its premier agricultural exhibition. The event will now be known as JAGRI, reflecting a bold step towards unifying the domestic and international identities of the exhibition for a more cohesive and impactful global presence. 

  • financial-inclusion-infrastructure-big-game-changers-clfma-english.jpeg

    Financial inclusion, infrastructure big game-changers: CLFMA

    20-Feb-2018 - 0 Comments.

    Promoting financial inclusiveness and supporting infrastructure investments are two of the most impactful aspects that the livestock sector in India had long been waiting for.

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