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  • indias-2023-horticulture-data-final-and-1st-advance-estimates-english.jpeg

    India's 2023 Horticulture Data: Final & 1st Advance Estimates

    10-Mar-2024 - 0 Comments.

    The Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare has released the Final Estimates of 2022-23 and First Advance Estimates of 2023-24 of Area and Production of various Horticultural Crops compiled on the basis of information received from States/ UTs and other governmental source agencies.

  • bobp-calls-for-regional-cooperation-in-bay-of-bengal-english.jpeg

    BOBP Calls for Regional Cooperation in Bay of Bengal

    22-Oct-2023 - 0 Comments.

    The Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO) has sought greater research cooperation among the member countries as climate change is taking a toll on marine fisheries of the Bay of Bengal region. 

  • promote-crop-diversification-to-save-water-says-indian-ngo-at-un-conference-english.jpeg

    Promote crop diversification to save water, says Indian NGO at UN Conference

    15-Nov-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Established in 2005 with an objective to Incubate Civil Society, CNRI, India's leading non-governmental organisation has made a strong case for promoting crop diversification to save water and address issues concerning climate change at the UN Conference on Water in New York.  

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