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  • namo-drone-didis-empowering-women-and-transforming-skies-english.jpeg

    NaMo Drone Didis: Empowering Women and Transforming Skies

    17-Mar-2024 - 0 Comments.

    In a significant move towards gender equality and technological advancement, the NaMo Drone Didis, an all-women team of drone operators, have embarked on a journey to fly drones across the country.

  • nddb-rsquo-s-dairy-development-initiative-in-vidarbha-and-marathwada-transforming-lives-dilip-rath-english.jpeg

    NDDB’s dairy development initiative in Vidarbha & Marathwada transforming lives: Dilip Rath

    23-Jun-2019 - 0 Comments.

    National Dairy Development Board’s dairy development initiative in Vidarbha and Marathwada are gradually transforming the lives of rural people as it has started impacting social issues like gender inequalities and unemployment. NDDB’s innovative efforts have given the much-needed confidence to milk producers as they are getting the fair share of consumer price.

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