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  • isma-presents-roadmap-for-new-sugar-mills-to-minister-pralhad-joshi-english.jpeg

    ISMA presents roadmap for new sugar mills to Minister Pralhad Joshi

    25-Jul-2024 - 0 Comments.

    The Indian Sugar & Bio-Energy Manufacturers Association (ISMA), the apex body in the sugar and bio-energy industry in the country, presented a detailed roadmap to the key stakeholders of the Ministry of Food, Public Distribution and Consumer Affairs including Minister Pralhad Joshi himself for the policy framework required to transition Indian sugar mills into Bio-refineries of the nation producing along with the existing portfolio of Bio-Ethanol, Bio-Electricity and Bio-Gas b other emerging energy streams of strategic importance like Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Green Hydrogen, E-100 and 2-G Ethanol delivering cross cutting benefits to the nation and its farmers on multiple levels including meeting the international blending targets in the aviation sector which will be applicable on India since 2027 as per the CORSIA mandates.

  • haryana-state-giving-solar-pump-subsidy-to-farmers-under-manohar-jyoti-yojana-english.jpeg

    Haryana state giving solar pump subsidy to farmers under Manohar Jyoti Yojana

    09-May-2020 - 0 Comments.

    In order to meet farmers’ need of electricity for running water pumps, Haryana state government is providing a subsidy of INR 15,000 on setting up a 150-watt solar panel under Manohar Jyoti Yojana Scheme.

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