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  • syngenta-india-signs-mous-with-icar-hau-to-benefit-farmers-of-haryana-english.jpeg

    Syngenta India signs MoUs with ICAR, HAU to benefit farmers of Haryana

    07-Nov-2024 - 0 Comments.

    Continuing its focus on constructive collaborations for benefits of farmers, leading agri tech company Syngenta India recently, announced two critical MoUs it has signed with government institutions to help farmers enhancing crop productivity and promoting diversified sustainable agriculture practices, Syngenta India on Tuesday signed multiple Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs), aiming to benefit the farmers of Haryana.

  • promotion-of-crop-diversification-by-government-english.jpeg

    Promotion of crop diversification by government

    25-Apr-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Government of India is supplementing the efforts of state governments to encourage diversified production of crops such as pulses, coarse cereals, nutri cereals, cotton & oilseeds under National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and horticultural crops under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH).

  • promotion-of-crop-diversification-by-government-english.jpeg

    Promotion of crop diversification by government

    25-Apr-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Government of India is supplementing the efforts of state governments to encourage diversified production of crops such as pulses, coarse cereals, nutri cereals, cotton & oilseeds under National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and horticultural crops under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH).

  • godrej-agrovet-launches-new-insecticide-gracia-eyeing-inr-25-000-cr-crop-protection-market-english.jpeg

    Godrej Agrovet launches new insecticide Gracia, eyeing INR 25,000 Cr crop protection market

    13-Mar-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Godrej Agrovet Limited, one of India's largest diversified agri-business, today announced the launch of Gracia (Fluxametamide, an isoxazoline compound) in the Indian market.

  • patanjali-backed-ruchi-soya-fpo-to-open-on-march-24-english.jpeg

    Patanjali backed Ruchi Soya FPO to open on March 24

    12-Mar-2022 - 0 Comments.

    Diversified FMCG and FMHG focused company, Ruchi Soya will launch its follow-on public offer (FPO) on March 24, the company said in its filing on the exchanges on March 11, 2022.

  • bse-launches-e-agricultural-spot-market-platform-english.jpeg

    BSE launches e-agricultural spot market platform

    21-Dec-2020 - 0 Comments.

    BSE, India’s premier and most diversified exchange and the world’s fastest Stock Exchange has launched an electronic spot platform for agricultural commodities - “BSE E-Agricultural Markets Ltd. (BEAM)” - through its subsidiary BSE Investments Ltd.

  • ncdex-to-re-launch-gur-futures-from-dec-15-english.jpeg

    NCDEX to re-launch Gur Futures from Dec 15

    14-Dec-2020 - 0 Comments.

    India’s leading agri commodity exchange, National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX) has announced that it will re-launch the Gur Futures contract, adding one more product to its diversified agri commodities portfolio.

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