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  • bayer-and-crystal-join-forces-to-boost-indian-paddy-growers-with-curbix-pro-and-kollar-english.jpeg

    Bayer and Crystal join forces to boost Indian paddy growers with Curbix Pro & Kollar

    25-Jun-2023 - 0 Comments.

    Bayer CropScience and Crystal Crop Protection Limited have partnered to launch a groundbreaking solution, Curbix Pro and Kollar, aimed at benefiting paddy growers across India.

  • new-drone-rules-ushers-a-landmark-moment-benefiting-several-sectors-in-india-english.jpeg

    New Drone rules ushers a landmark moment benefiting several sectors in India

    27-Aug-2021 - 0 Comments.

    In March 2021, the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) published the UAS Rules, 2021. They were perceived by academia, Startups, end-users and other stakeholders as being restrictive in nature as they involved considerable paperwork, required permissions for every drone flight and very few “free to fly” green zones were available. Based on the feedback, the Government has decided to repeal the UAS Rules, 2021 and replace the same with the liberalised Drone Rules, 2021.

  • icar-focus-on-elevation-of-agriculture-technology-benefiting-farmers-english.jpeg

    ICAR focus on elevation of Agriculture Technology; benefiting farmers

    21-Jul-2021 - 0 Comments.

    Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is continuously working to upgrade technology and provide quality seeds to farmers. During this process, the advancements made in the agricultural sciences both within India and outside are considered for their replication under suitable farming situations.

  • govt-procures-over-80-52-mt-of-paddy-benefiting-11-94-million-farmers-english.jpeg

    Govt procures over 80.52 MT of paddy benefiting 11.94 million farmers

    05-Jun-2021 - 0 Comments.

    India's ministry of consumer affairs, food & public distribution has procured over 80.52 million tonnes of paddy (includes Kharif crop 70.69 million tonnes and Rabi crop 9.82 million tonnes) up to 4 June 2021 during the ongoing season Kharif 2020-21.

  • govt-procure-pulses-oilseeds-worth-inr-2682-cr-during-rabi-season-2020-21-english.jpeg

    Govt procure pulses, oilseeds worth INR 2682 Cr during Rabi season 2020-21

    07-May-2020 - 0 Comments.

    India agriculture ministry has announced that it has procured pulses and oilseeds under Rabi 2020-21 season worth INR 2,682 crores benefiting 3,25,565 farmers.

  • gujarat-farmer-develops-biofortified-carrot-variety-helping-farmers-english.jpeg

    Gujarat farmer develops biofortified carrot variety helping farmers

    08-Apr-2020 - 0 Comments.

    Madhuban Gajar, a biofortified carrot variety with high β-carotene and iron content developed by Vallabhhai Vasrambhai Marvaniya, a farmer scientist from Junagadh district, Gujarat is benefiting more than 150 local farmers in the area.

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