Best Agrolife acquires another patent for herbicidal composition
02-Mar-2022 - 0 Comments.
Best Agrolife Limited (BAL), a leading agrochemical company in India, on Friday announced that it has received one more patent for herbicidal composition of haloxyfop, imazethapyr, and chlorimuron, likely to emerge as an effective one-shot solution to protect soyabean crops from the attack of narrow-leaved weeds, broadleaved weeds, and sedges.
India's third advance estimates of principal crops shoot 7.94MT higher for 2020-21
26-May-2021 - 0 Comments.
Third Advance Estimates, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, million tonnes, Narendra Singh Tomar, Government of India, agricultural scientists, policies, Narendra Modi, crops, Foodgrains, Rice, Wheat, Nutri, Coarse Cereals, Maize, Pulses, Tur, Gram, oilseeds, Groundnut, Soyabean, Rapeseed, Mustard, Sugarcane, cotton, Jute, Mesta,
India declares change in tariff value of palm oil, crude soyabean oil
16-Oct-2016 - 0 Comments.
India has announced that it has changed the rates of crude palm oil, RBD palm oil, others – palm oil, crude palmolein, RBD palmolein, others – palmolein, crude soyabean oil, poppy seeds and areca nuts notified.