
Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions important for whole nation, Italian agri minister

November 28, 2021

Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions important for whole nation, Italian agri minister

Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions were officially opened on Friday 26 November 2021, by the Italian Minister for Agriculture Stefano Patuanelli that show the government support to the agro-livestock system.

CREMONA/Italy, 28 November 2021: Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions were officially opened on Friday 26 November 2021, by the Italian Minister for Agriculture Stefano Patuanelli that show the government support to the agro-livestock system.

Manlio Di Stefano, undersecretary to the Ministry of International Affairs sent a video message and other institutional representatives were also there, such as: Filippo Gallinella, Prosident of the Agricultural Commission of the Chamber of Deputies; Silvana Comaroli, Chamber of Deputies; Luciano Pizzetti, Chamber of Deputies; Massimiliano Salini, Europarliament; Fabio Rolfi,  Counsellor for Agriculture and Food of the Region Lombardy, Matteo Piloni,to represent the President of the Regional Council, and of course Roberto Biloni, Presidente of CremonaFiere and Massimo De Bellis, General Manager of CremonaFiere.

"This Exhibition is very important not only for Cremona but for the whole country - said Stefano Patuanelli, Italian Minister for Agriculture -. It is an international Exhibition that was very much needed in such a difficult moment. A challenge that has been won thanks to the strong desire to keep activities run. The agro-livestock sector plays a central role in the strategic plan, in the new CAP and in governmental policies since it is a very important pillar for our economy."

CremonaFiere has always been the right channel to spread topical themes for the sector, such as innovation, sustainability and animal health. "Cremona is highly influential as to agro-livestock - said Fabio Rolfi, Counsellor for Agriculture and Food of the Region Lombardy -. It is fundamental to create meeting opportunities to take stock of the progresses achieved by breeders in terms of environmental sustainability, animal welfar, innovation and food safety. I am thankful to CremonaFiere to represent, this year as well, the whole production chain. Regione Lombardia will always support agro-livestock businesses".


Thanking the President and the General Manager of CremonaFiere, Manlio Di Stefano, Undersecretary for the Minister of International Affairs said, this important event is a top appointment for the agro-livestock sector in Italy and one of the most influential worldwide. Italian agrolivestock ranks first in Europe as to the highl level of agricultural added value, in particular Cremona area. This sector never stopped during the pandemic and the dairy sector registered a relevant increase in exports in the first seven months of 2021 in all the market of the European Union. Exports to North America was up 40 percent, Eastern Asia 25 percent and in Africa was 23 percent".

"Our territory is very importanto for national agriculture. We are in the region that represents 45% of the Italian livestock sector - explained Roberto Biloni, President of CremonaFiere - we are the first province for agriculturale GDP and also in this difficult period, breeders decide to come here to show the excellence of their productions. Cremona is ready to invest on agriculture, livestock and sustainability.

This conference wa sonly one out of the 60 technical and scientific events scheduled during the Show with the aim of offering powerful tools to improve livestock farms efficiency and productivity while also having a strategic vision on international markets.

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