
Gram Sabhas to inform farmers about the enrolment of farmers under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna

October 01, 2018

Gram Sabhas to inform farmers about the enrolment of farmers under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna

Gram Sabhas across the country have been asked to inform the farmers about the enrolment and benefits of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojan (PMFBY) at the beginning of the Rabi Season.

NEW DELHI, 01 October 2018 : Gram Sabhas across the country have been asked to inform the farmers about the enrolment and benefits of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojan (PMFBY) at the beginning of the Rabi Season.

The Gram Sabhas will also inform the farmers on how they can insure their crops under the Scheme. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare has requested the Ministry of Panchayati Raj and the State Governments to include this as an agenda in the upcoming Gram Sabhas, especially for the one scheduled on 2nd October 2018, in connection with Gandhi Jayanti. 

This is as part of the awareness initiatives taken up at various levels by the Govt and Insurance Companies to create awareness about the Scheme and mobilise farmers to insure their crops.

This is also the first season for PMFBY with its revised operational guidelines in place. The Govt expects the companies to reduce premium rates, especially as the general cut-off date for enrolment has been advanced by 15 days for both seasons.  As per the revised operational guidelines, the farmers get 72 hours to intimate individual claims against the existing 48 hours. 

This can be done through any of the channels provided under the Scheme and directly on the portal of PMFBY. In case of any grievance, the farmers can access dedicated grievance redressal authorities.  Revised operational guidelines provide for appointment of District Level Grievance Redressal Officer and creation of State and District Grievance Redressal Cells for fast redressal of grievances.

Non-loanee farmers can approach designated Common Service Centres, banks and insurance agents for insuring their crops or directly enrol on the portal.  Those farmers who avail short term crop loans from formal financial institutions at concessional rates of interest are automatically covered under the Scheme.

Image Credit: dailypost.in

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