
Radha Mohan Singh inaugurates conference on innovations in agricultural mechanization

July 07, 2016

Radha Mohan Singh inaugurates conference on innovations in agricultural mechanization

In order to promote mechanization in the country, Indian Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Radha Mohan Singh inaugurated two-day Conference on “Innovations in Agricultural Mechanization – Development of linkage among R&D Institutes – Industry – Farmers” at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on July 7, 2016.

In order to promote mechanization in the country, Indian Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Radha Mohan Singh inaugurated two-day Conference on “Innovations in Agricultural Mechanization – Development of linkage among R&D Institutes – Industry – Farmers” at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on July 7, 2016.

Speaking on this development, Singh emphasized that agricultural mechanization is essential for agricultural modernization and accordingly its benefits need to be extended to all categories of farmers in each agro-climatic zones of the country.

Singh also congratulated Agricultural Engineers/ Scientists of the country who have contributed a great for increasing the productivity of farm produce through mechanization.

He has informed that the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has clear road map and vision for agricultural development and welfare of farmers and Shri Narednra Modi is always guiding force in the adoption of appropriate plans and programs towards this.

Singh also stressed upon the need to transfer the latest technology to the farmers so that their income may be doubled by way of reducing the cost of cultivation and increasing production.

Radha Mohan Singh has requested to all the manufacturers to come forward for the commercialization of technology so that the appropriate technology may reach to the farmers to benefit them. The Union Minister has stressed upon the need for saving the water and the mantra “per drop, more crop”.

During the inaugural address, Singh emphasized on the establishment of four new Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institutes in the Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.

Singh also advised to adopt the technologies in agriculture which can save the water and thereby increase the profitability. However, most of our business due to small land holdings, using compatible equipment is not economically advantageous. Enable custom hiring centers for agriculture to farmers through agricultural machinery are available, and it is a good effort.

The Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, S.K. Pattanayak stressed upon the formidable challenges in the agriculture sector such as shrinking land base, dwindling water resources, shortage of farm labour, increasing costs and uncertainties associated with volatility in international markets.

However, the challenges can be addressed and the productivity of the farm in-turn can be realized by increasing land and labour efficiency in agriculture through appropriate farm mechanization, Pattanayak adds.

During the plenary session, the eminent personalities in the field of agricultural mechanization presented the latest innovations and technological development in the agricultural machinery and equipments. The technology developed in the R&D systems of ICAR and private sectors have been shown to the farmers and the Government officials for their promotion and popularization. Some of the innovations have also been offered for commercialization such as

  • variable rate fertilizer applicator
  • Check basin former
  • Turmeric rhizomes planter
  • Ultrasonic sensor based sprayer
  • Unmanned autonomous vehicle for agriculture

During the two days conference, it is expected that the deliberations of the conference would contribute to the process of developing, introducing and sustaining new technologies and applications in the Indian farming system.

The conference has also provided an opportunity to all the stake holders of agricultural mechanization for engaging each other in a mutually beneficial manner.

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