
India's soymeal exports in Nov 16 records 104% growth

December 08, 2016

India's soymeal exports in Nov 16 records 104% growth

India soymeal exports and oits other valuve added products (HS CODE 2304) has recorded an impressive growth of 104 per cent to 61,003 tonnes during November 2016.

India soymeal exports and oits other valuve added products (HS CODE 2304) has recorded an impressive growth of 104 per cent to 61,003 tonnes during November 2016.

During the same month last year, soymeal export and other value added products were recorded at 29,801 tonnes, the Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA), an Indore based national level body representing soybean processors, farmers, exporters and brokers said in a statement recently.

Though during financial year basis, the export during April 2016 to November 2016 was decrease by 43 per cent to 155,874 tonnes, as compared to 273,433 tonnes posted during the same period of previous year.

During current Oil year, (October –September), total exports during October 2016 to November, 2016 is 80142 tonnes, against 71,905 tonnes last year, showing an increase by 11.45 per cent.

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