
Gowda assures adequate supply of urea to Telangana

August 19, 2020

Gowda assures adequate supply of urea to Telangana

Indian minister of chemicals and fertilizers D V Sadananda Gowda has said that adequate availability of fertilizers has been ensured during the on-going Kharif Season and his ministry is monitoring the supplies very closely.

NEW DELHI, 19 August 2020: Indian minister of chemicals and fertilizers D V Sadananda Gowda has said that adequate availability of fertilizers has been ensured during the on-going Kharif Season and his ministry is monitoring the supplies very closely.

Agriculture Minister of Telangana Singireddy Niranjan Reddy met Gowda in New Delhi recently regarding availability of urea in Telangana.

Reddy said that the sales of urea have seen substantial jump this Kharif season as compared to that of last year on the back of increase in acreage under cultivation in the State and requested for speeding up supply of urea to Telangana during ongoing month. 

Fertilzer minister said that department of fertilisers is monitoring the urea supplies to the state very closely and as well as through the weekly video conference. There is day to day interaction among officials and every issue highlighted is being addressed on top most priority. 

He said, necessary directions have already been issued to ensure the supplies as per the agreed plan which is being monitored closely.

Gowda requested Telangana  Government to ensure that data about sales, availability and stocks are updated timely on iFMS dashboard so as to get real picture about availability of fertilizers on real time basis.

He assured that supply will be strengthened, and Department will continue to make efforts to ensure urea is available in adequate quantity to the farmers of Telangana as per requirement. 

For the State of Telangana, the requirement projected for the entire Kharif 2020 season is 10.00 Lakh Metric Ton. Correspondingly, the requirement from 1 April to 16 August was 6.79 Lakh Metric Ton against which Department of Fertilizers has ensured an availability of 9.04 Lakh MT, including the opening stock of 4.01 Lakh MT. 

During the on-going month of August against the projected requirement of 2.50 Lakh MT. Department of Fertilizers has ensured availability of 3.38 LakhMT (including opening stock of 2.67 Lakh MT). The stock of Urea available as on 16.08.2020 in Telangana is 1.76 Lakh MT which is sufficient to meet the remaining requirement of the current month which is projected as 1.20 Lakh MT. 

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