One crore farmers to be brought in natural farming in the next two years
23-Jul-2024 - 0 Comments.
As part of measures to enhance productivity and resilience in Agriculture, Union Budget 2024-25 has announced several measures including thrust on agriculture research, promotion of natural farming and national cooperation policy.
Agriculture & allied sectors get INR 152,000 crore in 2024-25 Budget, says Chouhan
23-Jul-2024 - 0 Comments.
Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare and Rural Development Shivraj Singh Chouhan said on the budget allocated for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare and Rural Development that the budget presented today is the budget of Amrit Kaal of India.
Farmer Associations' report reveals 300 % surge in agriculture budget allocation over past 9 years
27-May-2024 - 0 Comments.
The Federation of All India Farmer Associations (FAIFA), a non-profit organization representing the cause of millions of farmers and farm workers of commercial crops across the States of Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka etc. convened a seminar today at the Constitution Club of India, New Delhi - Ensuring Farmer Livelihoods: Enhancing Farmer Incomes Through Sustainable Farming Practices.
Can Zero Farming Feed the World? Exploring the Promise and Challenges of a Budget-Friendly Technique
23-Apr-2024 - 0 Comments.
In the face of a growing global population and a strained agricultural sector, innovative farming practices are emerging to address the challenges of sustainability and affordability. Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), a technique popularized by Indian agriculturalist Subhash Palekar, has garnered significant attention for its low-cost approach to food production.
Milma’s TRCMPU adopts INR 2853 Cr budget
17-Oct-2023 - 0 Comments.
The annual general body meeting of Thiruvananthapuram Regional Cooperative Milk Producers Union (TRCMPU) of Milma, held recently earmarked INR 2 crores to offset the interest on the loans availed by dairy farmers in four southern districts for setting up farms and purchase of milch animals.
Milma’s 2023-24 budget anticipates INR 1.22 crore surplus
22-Sep-2023 - 0 Comments.
The Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of the Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF), known by its brand name Milma recently adopted a growth-oriented budget for 2023-24 pegging the revenue at INR 680.50 crore and expenditure at INR 679.28 crore, anticipating a surplus of INR 1.22 crore during the financial year.
Rallis India wins Chemexcil award for outstanding export performance
19-Apr-2023 - 0 Comments.
Rallis India Limited has been conferred with the Bronze Award at the 47 th Chemexcil Exports Awards organised by the Chemicals Export Promotion Council (Chemexcil) for its export performance in the category of large-scale manufacturers for 2018-19.
2023-24 Pre-Budget expectations of the agriculture & allied sector
31-Jan-2023 - 0 Comments.
As the union Budget 2023 is scheduled for 1February 2023, Agritimes.co.in received lots of suggestions and view that needs to be focused for the agriculture and allied sector.
Stable taxes on tobacco products critical for the survival of FCV tobacco growers
12-Jan-2023 - 0 Comments.
Federation of All India Farmer Associations (FAIFA), a non-profit organization representing the cause of millions of farmers and farmworkers of commercial crops across the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Gujarat, etc. in their pre-budget appeal to Finance Minister, Smt Nirmala Sitharaman have requested to treat tobacco crop like any other agricultural produce and not put additional burden of taxes on legally manufactured products in India as that would have an adverse impact on tobacco farmers .
TRCMPU adopts INR Rs 1,248 Cr budget for 2022-23
22-Sep-2022 - 0 Comments.
The Trivandrum Regional Co-operative Milk Producers Union (TRCMPU) unanimously adopted a budget of INR 1,248 crore for the financial year 2022-23 at its Annual General Body meeting today.
Budget for PM aasha
23-Apr-2022 - 0 Comments.
In order to provide remunerative price to the farmers of notified pulses, oilseeds & copra, Government implements an umbrella scheme of Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) consisting of Price Support Scheme (PSS), Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS) and Pilot Private Procurement & Stockiest Scheme (PPSS).
किसानों की आय दोगुनी कर रही सरकार
21-Apr-2022 - 0 Comments.
सरकार ने "किसानों की आय दोगुनी करने" से संबंधित मुद्दों की जांच करने और इसे प्राप्त करने के लिए रणनीतियों की सिफारिश करने के लिए अप्रैल, 2016 में एक अंतर-मंत्रालयी समिति से परामर्श किया। समिति ने सितंबर, 2018 में सरकार को अपनी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत की, जिसमें वर्ष 2022 तक किसानों की आय को दोगुना करने की रणनीति शामिल थी।
Indian oilseeds production touches 37.15 MT during 2021-22
16-Apr-2022 - 0 Comments.
India's production of oilseeds in the country has been increased substantially to 37.15 million tonnes, from 31.52 million tonnes recorded in 2018-19 as per the 2nd Advance Estimates, Directorate of Economics and Statistics.
PM addresses a webinar on positive impact of union budget 2022 in agriculture sector
25-Feb-2022 - 0 Comments.
The Prime Minister,Narendra Modi addressed a webinar on positive impact of Union Budget 2022 in Agriculture sector. He discussed the ways in which the Budget will contribute to strengthening agriculture sector.
ई-मंडिसचे ई-नाम प्लॅटफॉर्ममध्ये एकत्रीकरण
08-Feb-2022 - 0 Comments.
31 मार्च 2018 पासून, राष्ट्रीय कृषी बाजार (e-NAM) प्लॅटफॉर्मवर 415 नवीन मंडई एकत्रित केल्या गेल्या आहेत. 31 डिसेंबर 2021 पर्यंत, 18 राज्ये आणि 03 केंद्रशासित प्रदेशातील 1000 मंडई e-NAM प्लॅटफॉर्मसह एकत्रित करण्यात आल्या आहेत.
Integration of E-MANDIS into E-NAM Platform
08-Feb-2022 - 0 Comments.
Since 31st March 2018, 415 new mandis have been integrated on National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) platform. As on 31st December 2021, 1000 mandis of 18 States and 03 Union Territories have been integrated with e-NAM platform.
Post Budget 2022-23: Reactions from industries
04-Feb-2022 - 0 Comments.
In order to bring various voices of companies about the 2022-23 budget to our readers, AgriTimes is clubbing out all the views and points raised by agriculture & allied sectors in this article.
Provisions in the budget for the holistic development of the agriculture sector, says Tomar
04-Feb-2022 - 0 Comments.
Welcoming the Union Budget presented recently ,Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said that it is the budget for the villages, poor people, farmers, women and youth.
India paid INR 2.37 lakh crore MSP to over 1.63 crore farmers during 2021-22
01-Feb-2022 - 0 Comments.
While presenting the Union Budget 2022-23 in the Parliament today, the Indian Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Mrs Nirmala Sitharaman said “the procurement of wheat in Rabi 2021-22 and the estimated procurement of paddy in Kharif 2021-22 will cover 1208 lakh metric tonnes of wheat and paddy from 163 lakh farmers, and INR 2.37 lakh crore direct payment of MSP value to their accounts”.
Milma’s TRCMPU approves INR 1158 budget, announces incentive of INR 2 per litre on milk procurement
28-Jan-2022 - 0 Comments.
Trivandrum Regional Co-operative Milk Producers Union (TRCMPU) of Milma has announced an incentive of INR 2 on each litre of milk procured from dairy farmers in four southern districts from February 1, in view of the rise in input cost and difficulties caused by the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Budget 2021-22: Finance minister proposes 9 measures for agriculture, allied sectors; agri credit target enhanced to INR 165,000 crore
02-Feb-2021 - 0 Comments.
In a slew of steps to support the agriculture sector, minister for finance & corporate affairs Mrs Nirmala Sitharaman announced 9 measures for Agriculture Sector as part of inclusive development for aspirational India while presenting the Union Budget 2021-22.
Provide level playing field to Agri-NBFCs in Budget 2021-22, writes NAFA CEO
26-Jan-2021 - 0 Comments.
Agriculture and allied activities employ more than 50 percent of the workforce and yet remain largely unorganized and fragmented. Even after showing the silver lining during the gruelling economic slowdown induced by an unforeseen pandemic, the Indian agribusiness is not flourishing to its full capacity.
Agriculture & farmers welfare budget up more than six times in the past six years, says Hardeep S Puri
27-Dec-2020 - 0 Comments.
Indian minister Hardeep Puri has stated that the budget of the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare has gone up more than six times in the past six years.
Farm liberalisation to bring prosperity to entire food supply chain, says Federation of Seed Industry of India
27-Nov-2020 - 0 Comments.
When the Union Finance Minister proposed 16-point action plan to boost agriculture and farmers' welfare while presenting the budget earlier this year, the stage was set for liberalisation of the farm sector. There has been a long-pending demand of the comprehensive reforms to make agriculture a sustainable and scalable industry, and the new farm laws are the steps in the right direction.
नारियल रेशे यानी कॉयर और उससे बने उत्पादों के निर्यात में भारत ने अब तक की सबसे अधिक वृद्धि दर्ज की
16-Jul-2020 - 0 Comments.
भारत से नारियल रेशे और उससे बने उत्पादों का वर्ष 2019-20 में 2757.90 करोड़ रुपये का रिकॉर्ड निर्यात हुआ जबकि वर्ष 2018-19 में यह निर्यात 2728.04 करोड़ रुपये का था यानी कि पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में इस बार लगभग 30 करोड़ रुपये अधिक का निर्यात हुआ है।
India export of coir and coir products touch INR 2757 crore during 2019-20
16-Jul-2020 - 0 Comments.
The export, of coir and coir products from India worth INR 2757.90 crore for the year 2019-20, registers an all-time high record, which is around INR 30 crore higher than that of the last year i.e. 2018-19 which stood at Rs. 2728.04 crore.
SOPA estimates drop in soybean crop for 2020 season
26-Jun-2020 - 0 Comments.
The Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA), a national level body representing the soybean processors, farmers, exporters has said in its 2020 season (October 2019 to September 2020) estimate that out put of soybean crop will be at 93.06 lakh tonnes, as compared to 109.33 lakh tonnes recorded during October 2018 to September 2019.
EID Parry post 29% increase in EBIDTA for 2019-20 fiscal year
12-Jun-2020 - 0 Comments.
India's one of the leading manufacturers of sugar, EID Parry (India) Limited has reported an increase in earnings before depreciation, interest, taxes and exceptional items (EBITDA) by 29% at INR 2016 crore, as compared to INR 1558 crore posted during the 2018-19 financial year.
Dwarikesh Sugar net profit drop to INR 73.45 crore in FY2019-20
11-Jun-2020 - 0 Comments.
Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Ltd has recorded a drop in net profit for the fiscal year 2019-20 at INR 73.45 crore, as compared to INR 95.11 crore posted in FY 2018-19.
India to convert 22,000 rural haats to Gramin Agricultural Markets
28-Mar-2020 - 0 Comments.
In Budget announcement 2018-19, Government of India has announced to develop and upgrade existing 22,000 rural haats into Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs).
Budget 2020: Export target of USD 14 BN set for aquaculture sector
01-Feb-2020 - 0 Comments.
Indian finance and corporate affairs minister, Mrs Nirmala Sitharaman while presenting 2020-21 budget has set a target of USD 14 billion (INR 1 lakh crore) from blue economy exports.
India Budget 2020: Target of USD 209 BN in agri-credit for 2020-21 set
01-Feb-2020 - 0 Comments.
Providing a huge boost to the farming sector, Indian finance minister Mrs Nirmala Sitharaman in her second financial budget set agriculture credit target of USD 209 billion (INR 15 lakh crore) for the year 2020-21.
India Budget 2020: An opportunity to promote efficient farming ideas
01-Feb-2020 - 0 Comments.
India accounts for 7.39% of total global agricultural output. The contribution of the agriculture sector to the Indian economy is 15.4% much higher than the world average of 6.4% as it employs nearly half of the workforce in the country.
India releases horticulture crops 1st advance estimates for 2019-20
27-Jan-2020 - 0 Comments.
India's Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare has released the Final Estimates of 2018-19 and 1st Advance Estimates of 2019-20 of Area and Production of various Horticulture Crops.
FSII recommends making India global seed production hub & pushes for 200
16-Jan-2020 - 0 Comments.
For the upcoming Union Budget, Federation of Seed Industry of India (FSII) urges the Government of India for restoring the 200% income tax deduction (under the section 35 (2AB) of the Income Tax Act, 1961) for the in-house Research and Development (R&D) expenditure in seed industry.
India exported INR 5150 crore worth of organic farming products in 2018-19
19-Dec-2019 - 0 Comments.
The quantity of organic product produced during 2018-19 under Participatory Guarantee System-(PGS)-India and National Programme on Organic Production (NPOP) of Agriculture Processed Food and Export Development Authority (APEDA) is given at Annexure I. The total value of organic products exported from India is Rs 5150.99 crore (for 614089.614 MT).
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers posts USD 20 MN net profit during 2018-19
25-Sep-2019 - 0 Comments.
Indian government-owned net profit Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd (RCF) has posted a net profit of USD 20 MN (INR 1.39 billion) during 2018-19 financial year
ZBNF: All you need to know about FM Nirmala Sitharaman’s pet project
26-Aug-2019 - 0 Comments.
Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitharaman presented an idea of zero budget farming at the lower house of parliament during her budget speech in the 17th Lok Sabha in July this year, urging the farmers of this nation
India’s marine fish production down by 9%, sharp drop in oil sardine catch
13-Jul-2019 - 0 Comments.
The catch of oil sardine from the Indian coasts suffered a sharp decline of 54% as the fish fell down to 9th position from the first spot, according to India’s marine fish landing estimates for the year 2018
New Delhi to host India's first ever India International Cooperatives Trade Fair
02-Jul-2019 - 0 Comments.
Aligning with the Agriculture Export Policy 2018 which aims at doubling the agriculture export and integrating Indian farmers and agriculture products with global value chains, The First Ever India International Cooperatives Trade Fair in New Delhi
SOPA mid-term review keeps soybean crop at 11.48 MT
09-Feb-2019 - 0 Comments.
Based on this extensive survey, we find that there is no need to revise the initial crop numbers given by SOPA and the kharif-2018 soybean crop is reconfirmed at 11.48 million tonnes, according to The Soybean Processors Association of India
Budget 2019-20: Allocation for agriculture ministry raised by around 2.5 times
01-Feb-2019 - 0 Comments.
Agriculture continues to be the main driver of the rural economy. Our hard-working farmers, supported by pro-farmer policies of our Government in the past four and half years, have produced agriculture commodities in record quantities
India provides cash benifits to 120 MN small, marginal farmer families
01-Feb-2019 - 0 Comments.
To provide an assured income support to the small and marginal farmers, the Government is launching the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN). While presenting the Interim Budget 2019-20 in Parliament, the Union Minister for Finance, Corporate Affairs, Railways & Coal, Piyush Goyal said, “Under this programme, vulnerable landholding farmer families, having cultivable land up to 2 hectares, will be provided direct income support at the rate of Rs. 6,000 per year.
CLFMA make representations to finance ministry before Union Budget - 2019-20, emphasis on Make in India
31-Jan-2019 - 0 Comments.
The Compound Livestock Feed Manufacturers Association of India (CLFMA) represents the manufacturers of nutritionally balanced and scientifically produced compound feeds for cattle, poultry, fish, prawns and other animals that is catering to the fast-growing animal protein needs in the country
World feed production increased by 3 percent to 1.10 BT, says 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey estimates
30-Jan-2019 - 0 Comments.
The 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey, released today, estimates that international feed tonnage has increased by a strong 3 percent to 1.103 billion metric tons of feed produced in 2018, exceeding 1 billion metric tons for the third consecutive year.
India release details of National Bamboo Mission
08-Jan-2019 - 0 Comments.
The restructured National Bamboo Mission (NBM) was approved in April, 2018 for implementation till the end of 14th Finance Commission i.e. 2019-20
SLCM Group bags Best Innovative Technology Initiative award for AGRI REACH
27-Dec-2018 - 0 Comments.
Sohan Lal Commodity Management (SLCM), India’s leading agri services solutions provider with operations across India & Myanmar, has been conferred with ‘ET Now Stars of Industry Awards - For Excellence in Learning & Development’ 2018 in the ‘Best Innovative Technology Initiative’ category.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research approves 14 new breeds of livestock in 2018
27-Dec-2018 - 0 Comments.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has approved the registration of record 15 new breeds of livestock and poultry this year alone taking the total to 40 during 2014-18, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Radha Mohan Singh at a ceremony for awarding breed registration certificates to the stakeholders said.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research approves 15 new breeds of livestock, poultry in 2018
27-Dec-2018 - 0 Comments.
ICAR has approved the registration of record 15 new breeds of livestock and poultry this year alone taking the total to 40 during 2014-18, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Radha Mohan Singh at a ceremony for awarding breed registration certificates to the stakeholders said
Indian agri ministry releases 1st Advance Estimates of production of major Kharif crops for 2018-19
26-Sep-2018 - 0 Comments.
The 1st Advance Estimates of production of major Kharif crops for 2018-19 have been released by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare on 26th September, 2018
Deepak Fertilizers announces Q1 results
09-Aug-2018 - 0 Comments.
Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd (DFPCL) today announced its financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2018 (Q1 FY19).
India clears MoU with Denmark in animal husbandry, dairying
27-Jun-2018 - 0 Comments.
The Indian cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been apprised of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between India and Denmark for cooperation in the fields of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The MoU was signed on 16 April 2018.
SLCM bags Warehouse Excellence Awards 2018
25-Jun-2018 - 0 Comments.
Sohan Lal Commodity Management (SLCM), India’s agri services solutions provider with operations across India & Myanmar has won the Warehouse Excellence Awards 2018
India's records increase in coconut cultivation in the last four years
06-Jun-2018 - 0 Comments.
India has made unprecedented progress in coconut cultivation from mid 2014 to 2018 and now it has become the leading country in coconut production and productivity
India releases model agriculture, livestock contract farming and services 2018 Act
05-Jun-2018 - 0 Comments.
With a view to integrate farmers with bulk purchasers including exporters, agro- industries etc. for better price realization through mitigation of market and price risks to the farmers and ensuring smooth agro raw material supply to the agro industries, Union Finance Minister in the budget for 2017-18 announced preparation of a “Model Contract Farming Act” and circulation of the same to the States for its adoption
Over INR 45,000 Cr to be invested in storage, warehouses by 2020: JLL India Report
27-Mar-2018 - 0 Comments.
In a report released by JLL, India's largest real estate services firm, it is estimated that close to INR 45,000 crores (Cr) will be invested in creating storage facilities across India from 2018 - 2020.
SLCM wins SCMPro Warehouse Awards 2018
19-Mar-2018 - 0 Comments.
Sohan Lal Commodity Management (SLCM), India’s leading agri services solutions provider with operations across India & Myanmar, has won the SCMPro Warehouse Awards 2018 in the ‘Best Agri Warehouse’ category for bringing in the best practices in warehousing into India
Alltech president and founder passes away at 73
09-Mar-2018 - 0 Comments.
Alltech president and founder, Dr. Pearse Lyons. Lyons passed away on 8 March 2018 due to an acute lung condition that developed during his recovery from heart surgery. He was 73
CLFMA lauds agri infra focused 2018-19 budget announcement
05-Feb-2018 - 0 Comments.
CLFMA of India, the apex association representing the animal protein sector in India commends the government’s initiative to set up infrastructure funds for agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries
Important points of Indian agriculture Budget 2018-19
02-Feb-2018 - 0 Comments.
The budget of 2018 clearly reflects the commitment of the government towards agriculture and farmers welfare as well as Prime Minister’s pledge to double farmers income by 2022
BUDGET 2018-19: India allocates $15 BN more credit for agriculture sector
01-Feb-2018 - 0 Comments.
The Government announced raising institutional credit for agriculture sector to USD 170 billion (INR 11 lakh crore) for the year 2018-19 from USD 155 billion (Rs10 lakh crore) in 2017-18, an increase of USD $15 billion
Farmer Producer Companies exempted from tax: Budget 2018-19
01-Feb-2018 - 0 Comments.
Farmer Producer Companies and having annual turnover up to Rs.100 crores in respect of their profit derived from such activities for a period of five years from financial year 2018-19.
Arab Agricultural to Host Affiliate Companies Meet at AgraME 2018
19-Jan-2018 - 0 Comments.
A recent agreement has been signed with the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AAAID) to host their Affiliate Companies’ Meeting for the first time ever in Dubai
India sends proposal to United Nations for declaring the year 2018 as International Year of Millets
23-Nov-2017 - 0 Comments.
Indian agriculture & farmers welfare minister Radha Mohan Singh has sent a proposal to United Nations for declaring the year 2018 as ‘International Year of Millets’
Indian Budget 2017: Farm credit fixed at $147 BN during 2017-18
01-Feb-2017 - 0 Comments.
Indian finance minister, Arun Jaitley while presenting his fourth budget today has said that adequate credit would be made available to the farmers in time and the target for agricultural credit in 2017-18 has been fixed at a record level of $147 billion